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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Being in two pla(y)ces at once

It was strange returning to Swimming in the Shallows for tonight's performance after spending Monday and Wednesday and part of the time in between digging into the dense existential tangle that is Chekov's Three Sisters. It's like, I'm getting on Chekov's wave length, thinking like his characters think, plotting a mental flow chart of all the levels of philosophical discourse coursing underneath the hood of this mammoth text... then I get off the train and WHOOP I'm in Adam Bock land! Concise! Funny! Gay! What where am I? Oh yeah, this thing I'd been rehearsing for a month before this and started running in front of all these audiences.

It's weird working so intensely on something, thinking about it almost non stop, then it's on to the next thing and that starts taking up all this mental real estate since you know, most of the work on that other thing is done, but not really because you still have to perform it!

So anyway, tonight's show was pretty good. I couldn't help feeling like it wasn't my strongest, but I found my footing and by the end of the night I'd even discovered some new things.

And Three Sisters? Holy shit what a can of worms that play is going to be. There is so much going on in that text... I don't even know where to begin. But it is going to be a fantastic time. I was talking to my Swimming in the Shallows director, and he said "it really is a dream role" and I was like "yeah it is". And yeah, it is. I'm kind of apprehensive about reentering the community theatre world, for various reasons. But it really is such a dream to be playing this role. There is so much to chew on in this part, and in this play. My next blogging project hopefully will be trying to break it all down...

That's all I have to say at the moment, here's to the endeavor!

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