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Friday, August 5, 2011

Three days down, a week or so to go. Making a motion picture is craaaaaazy. Hurry up and wait! Now just wait. Hurry and wait over there! Wait some more (better take a nap while I'm in my trailer). Hour for lunch! Hurry up and wait. COVERAGE! (for those of you who may not know, that is to say actual filming involving you, the actor). Wait some more. Hitch a ride back to base camp. Go home.

So far, so good. In fact very good. Steve, the director of the shoot, was ecstatic with my stuff from today, and it is generally a really great, really nice guy to work with. Everybody's very friendly, very helpful, it's nice. I'm getting used to the rhythm of film making on this scale. You get called usually at 6 AM, you might have a rehearsal at 7, but it's going to be a while before you actually go to set, and a while after that before you shoot anything. Usually for me, that means getting up on my step ladder and playing set dressing.

Today I was a little freaked out about my coverage. The script doesn't call for me to have any shots, but then I think the director noticed me working on my lines and they went in for some close up stuff. Realizing they would be doing that, I fervently reviewed them in between takes, cramming them into my brain as best as I could. When they got to my coverage, Steve, our director was extremely supportive, helped me chill out and when we went into shooting everything flowed and I FUCKING NAILED IT.

That was day three. At the end of which I realized I'd be called for day four, which is today. I wrote the first part of this post last night. Today I'm on set, figuring there wouldn't be much for me to do today, I thought to bring my laptop. I made friends with today's day player, meaning an actor with one scene who is just here for the day, and we chatted about acting, apparently he got his MFA at Brown/Trinity Rep which I'm thinking of applying to, that was nice. It's 3 o'clock, I'll probably be on set until 6. Yep. Tomorrow is a bigger shooting day for me. It's been a real learning experience! In other news: mad money mad money mad money. Film pays great.

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